Friday, May 18, 2012

Our home for the year: Arrival in Pucón, Chile

Since arriving in Pucón in May, we've been playing catch-up on our the blog.  When we first heard of Pucón this past February in Cuenca, we were just looking for a good school.  What drew us here was the enthusiasm of the teachers and their interest in all-things-children.  In fact, we were so impressed that we decided to give it a shot--site unseen.  

We had no idea just how incredibly stunning the landscape in and around Pucón would be.  

Here is what we found our first week:

Lago Villarrica: The last few days of swimming--but just barely.

Downtown Pucón with ever present back drop. Not much snow up there yet...


A new School - Waldorf Pucón

Colegio Waldorf  - and the people who make it what it is - will definitely be the focus of a separate post in the future.  For now, let's just say the school is definitely living up to our hopes.

Niko and Kaia's new school is on the left in the trees.  Morning recess is a beach affair.

The walk to and from school often requires rubber boots ... and sometimes waders. 

Saying goodbye to Quilo before the bell.

Lounging on beach in front of the school

The day begins with a somewhat funny ritual of expelling animals from the classrooms and school grounds.  Teachers, parents and kids shoo away several pet dogs who are busy rough housing among the kids. Quilo pretty much refuses to leave he has so much fun.

Quilo, and new friends Canela, and Fluffy on the playground

Clouds have finally cleared:
Fresh snow on the volcano means cart wheels on the way home from school!!!! Winter has arrived!!!!!!

Besides Kaia's cartwheels, my favorite part, is the view to and from school.


.... and it's Snow Time

Omnipresent Volcán Villarrica - and yes, that's steam.

After a rainy first week, the clouds cleared and the volcano was blanketed in a mantle of white.  Our first weekend was spent playing on the volcano, in the first snow we'd seen since leaving Minnesota.

25 years ago, this was a flowing river of lava.
Lava river bed en route to the volcano

...and the first snow Quilo ever saw.

The view from "our" volcano to another (Volcán Llaime), with Argentine pampa beyond.


Our First Home in Pucón

Things came together quickly upon arrival in Pucón.  The kids started school, and we found a small cabaña between school and town with a great yard, complete with wild parrots, several dogs, 7 puppies, one kitten, and an occasional horse
Dog school: not just for Quilo anymore.

 Saturday morning in Pucón.

Fire wood delivery.  Pretty quaint if you don't think about the fact that everyone in town is heating poorly insulated homes with semi-dry fire wood...  More on that later, I'm sure.

And free rides for enthusiastic little girls

In Patagonia, May showers mean goodbye flowers.  Winter has arrived.

The neighbor kitten, Carlota, was clearly not ready to be on her own and Quilo, in his infinite patience, never seemed to mind playing surrogate dad.  He drew a clear line at nursing time however.

Quilo's new neighbor and companion.

Warm in our new house with a stack of firewood, new rain gear, a joyful school, and friendly people always ready to help us get settled and answer our never ending questions, we knew right away the decision to come to Pucón was a good one.   Now if we can only learn Chileno...


  1. Hello,

    I came across your blog as I was searching for information on Waldorf Pucon. How did you like the school? any feedback you have would be greatly appreciated as we are relocating to Pucon in March from California and are in the process of finding a school. You can email me at



  2. Hi there, it seems that you may become the contact for Waldorf Pucon as I too came across your blog whilst looking for their contact details. Could you please email me at ? We are in Chile for a year and plan to be in Pucon for the start of the school year. Did you have any contact with the school before you went? I have emailed Pia but have not heard back.
    Many thanks
    Ps. Your travels sound great, images beautiful

  3. Ah--this seems to be the place for inquiries on contact information for Waldorf Pucon. I would love to have the email address, too, if you would be so kind to send it to me. LAWolfe at MSN dot com.

    Enjoying your blog and the pictures--very inspiring as we think about our planned adventure to Chile.

    Leigh Ann

  4. Hello,
    I have loved reading your blog and the!
    I too am chasing the email address for Waldorf Pucon.....would you mind sending me a note?
    Many thanks,
